The last 2 days have been filled with nothing but editing. Taking our paper edit and sound bites we selected, and starting to assemble string outs, which is effectively a Final Cut Pro time-line with all the sound bites you selected laid out in a sequence. It gives you a sense how long your doc is, and when played back, how well your story holds up. Our string out ended up being ~20 minutes, which had to be trimmed down further to at least 12 minutes. In parallel, while Laura and Merri focused on that, I started to assemble some b-roll sequences. We have about 8 scenes, and after a total of 5 hours of sleep in 3 days, my team’s managed to get a rough cut assembled with time to refine for today’s screening. Have been too busy to take any pictures, so there isn’t much content to offer in this post except to formally post our screening info. If you’re in town, hope you join us!!